Let me tell you something

nedjelja, studenoga 06, 2016

Zdravo svima! Zeljela sam samo podijeliti sa vama neke vijesti. Pocela sam raditi na polyvoru za jednu od odlicnih firmi i za moj rad dobit cu kupone da kupujem odjecu. Tako da ce biti mnogo interesantnih kombinacija u buducnosti . Dat cu sve od sebe da prezentujem razlicite stilove.
Novac za fotoaparat jos nije sakupljen tako da cu i dalje koristit mobitel. I to je to. Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti fotografije.

Hello everyone ! I just wanted to share with you some news. I started to work on polyvore for one of great companies and in exchange for my work I will get coupons to shop more clothes. So yeah it would be plenty interesting outfits in the future. I will try my best to present to you different styles.
My money for camera isnt collected yet so until then I will be using my phone.
So thats it . Hope you like the photos :D


Poncho - Romwe (Sold out)
Leggings - Unbranded
Boots -Unbranded
Bag - Unbranded

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